Note on publishing lists

Hi, everyone

I hope things are going well with your lists!

I received a question recently about list publishing, and I thought Id share some information with the group.

To publish a list simply means to advertise it on this web page:

This page can be used as a sort of address book to help people find their way to subscribing to your list, or finding your list’s archives, or simply remembering the lists exact name.  This web page is also referenced on our main mailing lists information page as being the list of public lists.

To publish or not was a question asked upon list creation, but you can change the publish status at any time. 

If you have many potential or current subscribers who would benefit from a little web help like this, you may want to publish your list on this page.  If you are trying to keep the list as quiet and as unknown as possible, you would probably chose to not publish the list.  Selecting to publish or not will only affect whether the list shows up on this listinfo web page, and does not change any other aspect of your list.

To change the setting, log onto your list’s administration page, and select “Privacy options”.  The answer to the first question:

Advertise this list when people ask what lists are on this machine?

determines whether or not the list shows up in the list of lists.  Select Yes to publish or No to not, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit Your Changes.  The change is immediate.

As always, please feel free to reply to me or the list if you have any questions or suggestions.

Elizabeth Brindley
Office of Technology Services
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