Hi everyone! I’m working on a paper to submit to IOOB hosted at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis. They are accepting submissions for “a completed project, an in-progress project, or a concept for a research project.” The topic is Evolution of the Work, Worker, and Workplace in the Information Age. If anyone is interested in research experience or receiving valuable recommendations from Indiana University or Purdue University faculty, this is a great opportunity. They have extended the deadline to January 31st. Here is the website about the conference: http://psych.iupui.edu/ioob2007/submission.html. I will be driving or flying to Indianapolis. It's about a 9 to 10 hour drive or a ~$250, 1.5 hour flight. I can arrange rooming accommodations easily since I lived there for 6 years prior to my Baltimore relocation. If anyone is interested, just speak up. I'm not around campus much since I work full-time, but I check my email frequently.
  See you later,

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