Hello Everyone,

This is Becca Nusbaum reporting in about what I have been doing the past 2
weeks. I'm still supporting the recruiters for both technical and support
positions. Hiring has really picked up. Also, the last session for an
EEO/Progressive Discipline training, on which I collaborated, is finishing
within the next two weeks. This is a huge accomplishment because the
training was mandatory for all of the supervisors in the department.

For my other project, the support staff classification review, progress is
underway. We are compiling notes and determining themes from all the focus
groups that we had. Analyzing the data will start by the end of the month.
We are determining if we will need to collapse job ladders or if we will
just update the job descriptions within each ladder.

I have also undertaken an additional project. I am now going to be working
on an effective interviewing and hiring training. Again, all the supervisors
in the department will be asked to attend. The training will cover
interviewing and hiring processes from beginning to end (preparing and
planning through evaluating and possibly through hiring).

Let me know if you have any questions.

-Becca Nusbaum