
Welcome to update 3 of my project to analyze job categories based on KSAOs.  When I last wrote, I was experiencing some difficulty in determining the proper ratio of positions to allow for growth to higher paygrades.  It is disappointing to report that in the past couple of weeks I have made little progress on the research front.  I have decided instead to base the structural determination on a simulation based on the previous 10 years loss rates, promotion rates, and time delay between promotion points.  Setting up the simulation up has taken much of the time I have been able to devote to the project. 

So where I stand on the project is simple. 

1)      KSAO based categorization is complete.

2)      SME feedback collected and adjudicated.

3)      Position structure assessment to determine minimum size and structure:  I am finalizing the simulation and will need to analyze the outputs.  The inputs have been identified and formatted.

4)      Background research is mostly complete; however I am still searching for some reference material and historic internal documentation.

5)      Final paper: still to be completed.

My immediate plans are to run and analyze the simulation (with the help of a sharp Industrial Engineer) and to begin wrapping up the analysis. 

Thank you,

Tom Olenchock