Hello fellow UB folks,

I am a recent graduate of UB's I-O program and am collaborating with my colleague, Jim Kurtessis, to develop a symposium focused on using situational judgment tests (SJTs) as a training evaluation tool for this year's SIOP Conference. We are hoping to feature work by researchers and practitioners alike. That said we would like to invite submissions focused on research in this area to join this symposium and share any findings you may have uncovered from recent research.

We envision that this symposium will present new research on the benefits of using SJTs for evaluating training, the drawbacks of such assessments, and how administering SJTs in this manner may differ when they are used for selection or promotional purposes. Our goal is to present empirical research which will both provide practitioners with best practices and will also serve to provide academically based faculty with future research ideas and directions. This symposium will therefore be research based, but readily applicable to applied practice.

A symposium that my colleague organized last year discussed the use of SJTs for measuring teamwork and communication, and was well attended and garnered much positive feedback. Capitalizing on the ever increasing interest in SJTs, we would like to once again present several papers which will further increase interest in SJTs and provide audience members with important and relevant empirically based results and recommendations.

If you are interested in joining this symposium or have any questions, please let us know.


Andrew Loignon
Research Associate
American Institutes for Research
Phone: 202-403-5914
E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Jim Kurtessis
Research Associate
American Institutes for Research
Phone: 202-403-5589
E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>