Happy Thanksgiving Section Members!


I hope that many of you are planning to come to the 2011 AALS Annual Meeting, which will be our first meeting as an official section of the AALS.  I am writing to solicit information from you about what you have been working on since the spring newsletter.  Please send me an email with recent presentations, publications, upcoming conferences or workshops, and any announcements that you would like to generate to our section.  If you could forward this information by December 10, 2010, I will be sure to include it in the Fall/Winter volume of our newsletter.   Thanks in advance for your prompt responses!


Jessica Dixon Weaver

Assistant Professor

SMU Dedman School of Law

P.O. Box 750115

Dallas, TX  75275-0116

(214) 768-2641  office

(214) 768-3142  fax


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