Andy Loignon, from PDRI, will be speaking to Dr. Yun’s classes next week about his work there. This should be of interest to anyone expecting to work as a consultant upon graduating. He will be talking about his work there and how to get a job as an I/O consultant.


Andy completed the program just recently and has been At PDRI for a few months now.


Jan 24 Monday 7:30 pm in 644 Personnel psych AC 214

Jan 25 Tuesday 7:30 pm in 655 Practical Apps  AC 233


Tom Mitchell, Ph.D.

Industrial & Organizational Psychologist


Director of Graduate Programs in Psychology

Division of Applied Behavioral Sciences

University of Baltimore

Academic Center Suite 209 D

1420 N. Charles Street

Baltimore, MD 21201


Phone: 410 837 5348

Fax:     410 837 4059

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