The first phase of my practicum will be a validation study. The aspect of the hiring process at Keswick Multi Care that needs validation is a Pegged Assessment. Pegged is a software system that assesses employee's cultural and behavioral background to see if they are a proper fit to work here. All applicants are supposed to take this assessment to be considered for hire. However, multiple applicants since May have not taken the assessment but have been hired by Keswick. 

I have already tracked down the employees who we need the information for and sent them the assessment. It was stressed that by taking the assessment their job here at Keswick would not be in jeopardy. So far, very few have completed the assessment (3/44). We will need more compliance for a true validation study to take place. 

Today, I have been working on follow up questions for the supervisor after their employees take the assessment. These questions will simply ask how they believe the employee is performing at their job and then the responses will be matched up with the Pegged scores to ensure validity. 

Does anyone know ways to gain more cooperation? So far that has been my biggest challenge to date.