Thank you for the responses to my last post. All the input was greatly appreciated. On Tuesday afternoon I hand delivered a print out of the individual emails to the employees' supervisors. They informed me today that they handed them out to the employees. I have got some more cooperation but I am still looking for more. We will see how many I get by next week. 

I have also begun to formulate a questionnaire that I will ask the supervisors about the employees. Because asking about each employee would be too time consuming, I will generate a list and blind choose an employee from three seperate lists, those who scored high, those who barely passed, and those who failed (yet were still hired) on the Pegged Assessment. That way I will eliminate any possible bias. 

Each supervisor will be asked about one employee. They will not know the employees Pegged score. The questions will be asked in a Likirt scale format. Topics for the questions include the stregnths and weaknesses of the employee, their contributions, their consistency to performence, successful performence, and if they are a good fit for the facility. After the questionnaire, follow up questions will be asked of the supervisors to gain a bigger picture of the employee and the assessment overall. Interviews will hopefully begin next week.