I have recently begun my 2nd practicum at Keswick Multicare Center in Baltimore MD. If you can remember, in the Spring I completed a practicum here where I developed a behavioral descriptive interview training program for the hiring managers. I instructed them how to effectively interview and select candidates. I also was involved with the research and implementation of the Wonderlic test which Keswick now uses as a pre-hire assessment. 

This Fall I will be focusing on employee engagement and employee training. The director of HR here would like to make New hire orientation digital and not use multiple presenters during NHO. I am working on creating an online module that will streamline orientation. We are looking for this simpler yet interesting form of NHO will increase employee satisfaction and create more efficient employee engagement from the supervisors and managers. Our main goal is to decrease turnover. We will be measuring satisfaction and performance through segmented performance evaluations. I will continue to keep updating on IOINTERN as the practicum moves forward.