If you are interested in an Internship at BAH, please consider the offer from Kathy Ford (alum at BAH) to find out about it …at PTC.

Tom Mitchell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Industrial & Organizational Psychologist
Division of Applied Behavioral Sciences I-O program<http://www.ubalt.edu/cas/graduate-programs-and-certificates/degree-programs/applied-psychology/>
Learning Commons 411
University of Baltimore
1420 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

PH:  410 837 5348
Fax: 410 837 4059
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

From: Kathy Ford (via Doodle) [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 8:43 AM
To: Thomas Mitchell <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Booz Allen Internship Program

Kathy Ford invites you to participate in the Doodle poll "Booz Allen Internship Program."


Hi there,

Kathy Ford ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) invites you to participate in the Doodle poll "Booz Allen Internship Program."

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in setting this up. I am checking availability around the PTCMW meeting next week in Crystal City. We could meet either before or after the PTCMW meeting (it's from 3:45 - 5:30) if that works for everyone. If it doesn't, I'll send other options and we can get it on our calendars. Also, please feel free to include anyone else who might be interested in learning about Booz Allen's summer internship program from Dennis and Sarah, two of my esteemed colleagues who got their starts at Booz Allen by participating in the program. Thanks and I look forward to seeing everyone! :)

Participate now<https://doodle.com/poll/iuek6dzurkxaw5ihde2ancwu/private?tmail=poll_invitecontact_participant_invitation_with_message&tlink=pollbtn>


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