For my practicum project, I am doing a job analysis (C-JAM) for Food Service Managers. There are only 9 available for me to interview plus their 2 supervisors. I managed to do three interviews this week, however I am having trouble getting the SMEs to sign up for the interview. Many of them keep avoiding it and I am not sure why. Does anyone have advice on how to get the SMEs to participate?

I've also noticed that this organization gives a multiple choice engineering test to applicants, and if applicants fail this test, they are rejected. I was told by the HR director that this test was developed by one of the managers. It has not been validated or tested for adverse impact. I know from my Personnel class that this is illegal, and the HR director knows this but says that corporate will not do anything about it. Can organizations only get caught giving illegal tests if an applicant files a suit?

Yari Randall

First Year I/O student