Hi All!  (please excuse any cross-listings!)


Thank you to those who replied to my survey, appreciate the input.  Based on the majority, we will be having the UB IO networking event at the Union Brewery https://unioncraftbrewing.com/taproom/ in Hampden on Saturday August 13th at 1pm!


I am trying to invite all alumni, current students, and incoming first years to attend this event so please extend this  invitation to anyone who is an alum or student who may not know about it.


Dr. Mitchell asked me to include these  two UB IO links (in case you are not subscribed and would like to):


UB IO Linkedin page - to request to join (about 250 member)


UB IOINTERN Listserv  to subscribe to IOINTERN (about 300) (click here)

(if your you were unsubscribed when your UB mail disappeared!)


Thank you hope to see you August 13t at 1pm at the Union Brewery!


Have a nice summer!


Sarah Luby

University of Baltimore IO

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Phone: (443)695- 6774